
Keynote speaker

Julie Arts: An ecosystem approach

AAL is developing a proposal for a future European partnership programme that introduces an ecosystem approach for ageing well. But what does that approach actually mean? Julie Arts works for the renowned Presencing Institute, providing action research for societal transformation and she will provide valuable insight into this approach during her keynote address and a workshop on Tuesday morning. Can you explain what an ecosystem approach is? An ecosystem is an interconnected collaboration within an ecosystem itself, which could be geographic or sector wide, for example. It’s a community of organisms – individuals, institutions, organisations – who start to work with each other and interact with each other in order to evolve and adapt to external influences. In an ecosystem...
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Meet the speakers: Q&A with Bengt Andersson

This year’s AAL Forum will see Bengt Andersson, senior advisor at the Nordic Welfare Centre, present a methodology and overview of welfare technologies that have been implemented in the Nordic countries. He will also outline the national strategies of the Nordic countries and the tools they use for implementing welfare technology, discussing the many challenges involved and setting the tone for the rest of the forum. We spoke to him recently to get a taste of the message he wants to convey to the AAL community. Could you explain a bit more about the Nordic welfare model? I work for the social and healthcare sector at the Nordic Welfare Centre which is part of the Nordic Council of Ministers. Our...
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