Jeremy Myerson (Royal College of Art) (Read a full interview here)
Introduction – Mrs. Constance Agyeman, Head of International Development and Communities, Nesta
Five Finalists´ Pitch decks
Presentation of the winners
Ms Birgit Morlion – Programme officer eHealth, Well-Being and Ageing, European Commission
Mr. Chris Flim – Dutch Representative for eHealth and Member of AAL Executive Board
Mrs. Kerstin Zimmermann – Scientific Policy Officer, Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology
Mr. Mathieu Hovanessian – Policy Officer for innovation and Europe, Health, Research, Innovation, Higher education Unit, PACA Region, France
Mrs María Aguirre Rueda – Director of Health Research and Innovation at the Ministry of Health of the Basque Government
Lunch break
poster sessions, exhibition, matchmaking.
Mr. Ivan Kjær Lauridsen – Head of health and assisted living technologies, Municipality of Aarhus, Denmark
Mr. Sergio Murillo Corzo – General manager for personal autonomy promotion at Bizkaia Regional Council
Mrs. Cristina Bescos, European program manager at Philips Population Health Management/Telehealth
Mr. Ton Koper, President of the board of powerAge Foundation, Switzerland
Mrs. Ana Ramovš – MD from the Antona Trstenjak Institute of Gerontology and Intergenerational Relations in Ljubljana, Slovenia
Lunch break
poster sessions, exhibition, matchmaking
Hackathon Awards – Mr. Alain Thielemans, Member of the AAL Executive Board
Stand Award Prize – Representative of the Council of Elderly People of Biscay
Representative of Next AAL Forum host organizer
After 10 years of the AAL programme, the technology environment has matured and stakeholders have evolved. There is more and more interconnection between the different AAL players as well as an increasing interest by so far under-represented players, such as large industry or local authorities/municipalities & regions. Large companies will be important drivers for technological and market scaling-up for SME developed solutions in AAL, while local and regional authorities play an important role as buyers of AAL solutions as well as facilitators within often complex regulated markets.
In this AAL Forum we want to stress the importance of the existing and emerging ecosystems for transforming the regulated health & care markets as well as the growing consumer-driven ‘silver economy’. The Forum will aim to bring to light the crucial roles of each actor and how they are interconnected, in order to identify and work with best models/practices. In this respect, we aim to pay particular attention to the role of large companies and of local authorities as mentioned earlier.
Moreover, after 10 years of the AAL, the Programme has launched more than 200 projects in an attempt to bridge the gap between developing digital technology solutions and their implementation / deployment in practice. Hence, this Forum should capitalize on that experience and learnings to elaborate clear recommendations for policy-makers at national and European level as well as the members of the AAL Programme with regard to future programme strategy and support mechanisms, such as within FP 9 at EU level.
This Forum is entitled AGEING WELL IN THE DIGITAL AGE: A growing community of change makers. It is pursuing the involvement of each attendee as a driver for change within their ecosystems.
This event will also give a special emphasis on showcasing AAL technologies and solutions pre-market and on the market and on the organization of interactive and motivational sessions & workshops with contributions from the AAL community.