Instituto Pedro Nunes
Created in 1991 through a University of Coimbra initiative, IPN is a private non-profit organisation which promotes innovation and the transfer of technology, establishing the connection between the scientific and technological environment and the production sector. IPN’s mission is to leverage a strong university-enterprise relationship for the promotion of innovation, rigour, quality and entrepreneurship in private and public sector organisations.
Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica – Coimbra University
ISR has participated on several projects in AAL to develop and promote scientific and technological solutions able to assist older people at home. EuroAGE , GrowMeUp , CMU-Portugal Stretchtronics, Orthodia, EIT-Health SwitHome and Social Robot are examples of projects coordinated or participated by the ISR-UC team. The exhibition at this year’s forum will include the GrowMeUp Robot performing demonstrations, as well as smart shoes and insoles for rehabilitation.
Ideable is an ICT company focused on ageing and technology. Its R&D department is involved in different AAL, H2020 and Eurostars programs and is the leader of the zocaalo AAL project. As well as this, it has designed the Kwido Telecare platform for caring for older people that includes cognitive stimulation tools, teleconsultation and health monitoring features. The platform begins from the care of the elderly in homes to a much more autonomous care outside these centres.
The University of Innsbruck – AAL Competence Network
The long-time scientific employees at the Department of Strategic Management Marketing and Tourism, University of Innsbruck, provide competence in the field of AAL and possess a meaningful network with relevant stakeholders. They will present two AAL JP projects “gAALaxy” and “FairCare”, the yearly AAL summit SMARTER LIVES, which they established in 2015 and the online catalogue AAL-products.com, which is using the categorisation approach tAALxonomy.
The ActiveAdvice project aims to create an active advising and decision-support network across Europe web and mobile based for older adults, relatives as well as professionals. This is supported by a comprehensive ICT-based environment, presenting a broad state-of-the art collection on available AAL services and technologies offered at regional, national and international levels, which are stored in an Intelligent AAL Product & Service Cloud.
Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS
Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS focuses its activity on AAL and on ICT for Developing Countries and uses it expertise in human-computer interaction, information processing and autonomic computing to enhance people’s access to intuitive ICT solutions and, with it, their living standards. The living lab approach and extensive research delivers solutions that are co-created with end-users to act as ‘companions’ for people’s everyday lives – ‘remarkable technology, easy to use’.
Gociety Solutions
Gociety Solutions offers a highly scalable next generation mPERS (mobile Personal Emergency Response Solution) at a fraction of today’s cost. The Gociety solution is the innovative ‘engine’ that provides the brain and analytics for the professional care organisation. The fully automatic, non-intrusive software is a remote care detection device on a smartphone or wearable, for the prevention of acute incidents by detecting falls, geo fencing, (in-)activity monitoring and fall risk analysis.
University of Geneva
The University of Geneva will be presenting the SmartHeat project, which aims to use the Internet of Things in order to radically change the home heating experience for the health, comfort and wellbeing of older adults via a smart, secure and elderly-friendly ICT system. A key building block of the platform is the smartTRV, which allows radiators to interact with the Internet and the end user, allowing environmental monitoring and radiator control. It can also be controlled using smartphones/tablets.
2PCS Solutions GmbH
The 2PCS system is an alerting and locating system designed to help professional carers address the safety and independence of people in care. The solution can be used in various living and care settings, both in inpatient as well as ambulatory care. The 2PCS solution consists of self-developed pieces unified in a holistic system. It acts and reacts in an efficient way to save time and costs as well as providing peace of mind to caregivers and relatives. The person wearing the 2PCS safety watch benefits by feeling safer, more independent and better supported.
ENSAFE aims to support more effective prevention and self-care strategies by creating a smarter, more accessible and versatile link between older adults, their living environment and their support network. This will be done through elderly-oriented, network-based services aimed at fostering independent life. The service is built upon a layer of existing technologies, encompassing mobile communication, environmental sensing and clinical monitoring and will be the basis for implementing innovative services.
By continuously monitoring health conditions through the use of a vest and a Smartphone app, it will be possible to detect problems related to heart failure at an early stage. This is the goal of SmartBEAT, a project which involves ten European partners and is coordinated by the Portuguese research centre Fraunhofer AICOS. SmartBEAT takes into consideration patients as well as their formal and informal caregivers.
Active@ Home
Active@Home uses a holistic approach to increase physical activity and motivation in older adults using video games played through physical exercise. The project is designed for large screens, all exercises will be monitored using available motion sensors, multi-players features will explore its socio-cultural component. The goal is to stimulate a sense of social connectedness, contributing not only to maintain a healthy social life, avoiding isolation and depression but also to reinforce the role of the community as a support network.
DG Connect, European Commission
The EU Commission aims to provide a better quality of life for everyone, support innovation and growth for a competitive EU industry, and create sustainable care systems for society. At our stand you can discover our EU-funded projects and learn about the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing and the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). You can also have your say about the future of digital health and care via our public consultation.
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Several departments at the Austrian Institute of Technology work on AAL systems, guaranteeing a sophisticated and integrated approach to this complex subject. AIT has also become a well-regarded player at an international level as reflected by its involvement in large-scale European initiatives such as the AAL Joint Programme, the COST innovation network and some 20 international R&D projects. AAL projects that AIT are involved in include AALUIS, MIRACULOUS LIFE and MODULAAR.
Dividat AG
Dividat develops technology and evidence-based training systems to improve independent mobility and functional independence in older adults for prevention and rehabilitation. As a spin-off company of ETH Zurich, our solutions are inspired by recent research articles. On a regular basis, our solutions are evaluated in field trials under consideration of the guidelines of international scientific journals.
AAL Programme
The AAL Programme is a funding programme that aims to create better conditions of life for older adults and to strengthen international industrial ICT opportunities. It carries out its mandate through funding of cross-national projects (at least three countries involved) that involve small and medium enterprises (SME), research bodies and end-user organisations (representing older adults).
Hochschule Luzern – iHomeLab
The iHomeLab of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Switzerland is the Swiss think tank and research centre for building intelligence. At the Forum they will be displaying Home4Dem, an innovative third-generation ICT solution to support people with dementia and their caregivers. The product is to be freely personable by families to answer their needs such as safety, control, and prevention, and to be used by carers as a way to help them improve and personalise their care service.
INOVA+ provide support through both innovation and internationalisation, and access financing for technology based organisations to help them grow. At the AAL Forum they will be presenting the Organisational Life Assistant (OLA), a virtual presence that enables older adults to live a more independent, healthier and safer life on a day-to-day basis. It eases the burden of carers and mediates interaction between themselves and their patients to create a more holistic living environment.
Vienna Business Agency
Vienna supports business. For over 30 years, the Vienna Business Agency has been actively supporting the development of Vienna as a business location. As the first point of contact for national and international companies, the Vienna Business Agency offers advice, real estate, and financial funding. The goal is to strengthen innovative companies in Vienna along with their innovative capacity. You are interested in Viennese companies and AAL projects?
Visit our stand or contact: goettinger@viennabusinessagency.at
gAALaxy – the universal system for independent and interconnected living at home, is an international AAL JP project being led by the University of Innsbruck . The project combines different AAL technologies together with smart home automation technologies to individual bundles. With this network of products elderly people are able to stay in their own homes for longer and live more independent and socially active lives with the contribution of ICT based solutions.
At the Forum, the University of Gävle’s assisted living department will be presenting a joint project they are working on – AXO-SUIT. This project aims to deliver commercially viable assistant exoskeletons that will support people in performing physical activities to enhance the quality of life. The project brings together academic and industrial partners who are active and experienced in the assistive technology industry, to create a solution that meets the elderly adult’s functional needs at a reasonable cost.
Fit4Work project develops an innovative easy-to-use and unobtrusive system that supports older workers in reducing and managing physical stress resulting from their occupation. It uses off-the-shelf wearable and wireless devices to sense vital parameters from the body and workplace of the end user. These are analysed with smart algorithms to provide recommendations leading to improving one’s health. The project is implemented within the AAL Programme.
The CAMI project is an artificial intelligent ecosystem which integrates the following functionalities: health data monitoring and sharing, supervised physical exercises, intelligent activity planning and reminding, gesture and voice interaction, and a robotic telepresence or a social robot. With a modular design and architecture, the CAMI solution will be offered in several configurations, depending on the options selected by the customer.
Advanced TeChnologies and PlatfoRm fOr Smarter ASsisted LivING
ACROSSING envisions an easy-to-use technology infrastructure for assisted living in Smart Homes (SH) through the combined effort of a multi-disciplinary network of 26 leading European research groups, industry partners, and user organisations.The overall scientific target of the project will be achieved by addressing the four scientific and technological objectives, namely Sensing and Monitoring Technologies, Context Inference and Behaviour Analysis, Personalisation and Adaptive Interaction and Open SH Platform and Service Infrastructure.
Santis Kft
Santis Kft. with its premises in Debrecen (HU) was founded in 2005 in order to secure and exploit earlier research into how toilets can be more usable for older people. With more than 10 year’s expertise in design and manufacturing of sanitary equipment suitable for seniors, Santis produces several intelligent solutions, which are adaptable to various user requirements such as adaptable lift-toilets, lift basins, and sit-to-stand assistance. Santis will be presenting iToilet, an ICT enhanced assistive toilet at the Forum.
The software solutions for health measures. Promptly is an online platform that compiles and analyses standardised scientific information on patients’ post-operative period. The information shared makes people more aware of the effects and the consequences of each treatment method used and each operation procedure. On the one hand, patients can make more informed decisions, using safe sources of information, and on the other, hospitals gain access to a results database and can improve the quality of the healthcare provided.
The Foundation of Science and Technology (FCT) is the national public agency to support science, technology and innovation research with the vision is to make Portugal an international reference in these areas. FCT awards bursaries and contracts to researchers, funds research and development projects and supports competitive research to achieve the highest standards of quality and competitiveness in all scientific and technological domains.
Agein@Coimbra is a consortium aimed at enhancing the role of the elderly in society and applying good practices for their general well-being and active and healthy ageing. Its main objective is to improve the lives of elderly citizens in the Central Region of Portugal through better social services and health care, as well as the creation of new innovative products and services, and the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic means.