Call for contributions and side events
The annual conference of the Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme (AAL JP), the AAL Forum, will take place in Bucharest, Romania, between 9 and 12 September 2014.
Call for contributions
It is downloadable in word version here or you can download only the track that mostly interests you as follows:
A – Deployment of AAL solutions
B – Broadening AAL
C – Supporting projects to market
D – Innovation
Additional instructions to the contributors:
- In order to contribute you have to fill this form.
- Abstract is to be written directly into the web form (limit: 2000 characters).
- Optionally, you may enclose additional material, maximum file size 20MB and 6 A4 page limits.
- You may start entering information and save it. Once you feel ready, you just submit it.
Side events
During the AAL Forum several side events will take place on the 9 and the 12 September.
We invite you to submit your idea for a SIDE EVENT at the AAL Forum 2014.
Each side event shall last for a minimum of 1.5 hours or multiple of this period of time and it will have to be relevant for the AAL Forum’s main topic.
The call of proposals is open until 23 May 2014. If you want to submit a proposal for a side event please fill this form.
Terms and conditions for organizing a side event:
- You have to set-up a web page with information about the side-event;
- You have to actively market your event;
- You have to administer the registration for your event;
- Please note that in order to access the venue the attendees have to be registered for AAL Forum.
What we offer:
- Brief information about your event at the main AAL Forum web site with link to your web site for more information;
- A room for the event at the offered date and time;
- Free coffee and refreshments.
After approval:
- Let us know if you accept the suggested time slot or if you would like to withdraw your proposal.
- Describe your event in one sentence, in addition to the title of the event.
- Inform about the web address which we should link to.
- By 22nd of August inform us about the number of registrants. If the number is less than 20 the event will be cancelled and you have to inform the registrants about that. You will get an e-mail reminder regarding this.
Important dates:
Closing date of call for contributions | 23 May 2014 |
Submission approval | Begin June 2014 |
AAL Forum | 9-12 September 2014 |
Need more information?
contact us @