Session E4

Session E4

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Session E4
Session title:AAL Solutions for persons suffering from Cognitive Impairment
Session responsible:
Session chair:Dr. Marco Blom, Alzheimer-Netherlands, Bunnik, NL
Date and time:25 September 2012, 16.00 – 17.30 h
Session partners:
  • IBBT (An Jacobs, Karen Willems)
  • IWT (Alain Thielemans)
  • Telecom SudParis (Jerôme Boudy)
  • CGIET / French Industry Office (Robert Picard, Bruno Charrat)
  • UTT-Champagne-Ardennes Living Labs ActivAgeing initiative (Myriam Lewkowicz, Jacqques Duchene, David Hewson)
  • ENoLL (Anna Kivilehto)
  • Institut Catholic de Lille (Cédric Routier)

Session Content
This session is focussed on ICT-based solutions for older adults with cognitive impairments/dementia and their (informal) carers.
Different aspects of design and use of ICT solutions by people with cognitive impairments will be presented, as well as results of trials, business case and market chances of the AAL solutions.

Preliminary program

5 minIntroduction by the chair

5 minOverview of AAL & EC projects for people with cognitive impairments and their (informal) carers

Geja Langerveld, ZonMw, The Netherlands

10 minThe importance of user engagement in designing technology for people with dementia

Dr Hazel Boyd, Bath, UK

10 minROSETTA -User evaluation of the ROSETTA assistive technology system for people with dementia

Dr. Franka Meiland et al, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

10 minElderly and the daily use of tablet

Bert Desmet et al, Kortrijk, Belgium

10 minMylife – Multimedia technology for people with MCI: The first trial results

Dr. Eva Schulze and Anja Wilbrandt, Berlin, Germany

10 minIT-REHAB – Integral Telerehabilitation System

Helena Fernandez, Vigo, Spain

10 minMyGuardian: A Pervasive Guardian for Elderly with Mild Cognitive Impairments

Inmaculada Luengo and Anna Mereu, Madrid, Spain

10 minMylife end-user technology platform: Low cost technology with Android OS

Lars Thomas Boye, Norway

5 minCONFIDENCE – A Mobility Safeguarding Assistance Service with Community Functionality for People with dementia

Dr. Cornelia Schneider and Viktoria Willner, Salzburg, Austria

5 minAmbient Light Guiding System for the Mobility Support of Elderly People