Session D1

Session D1

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Session D1
Session title:AAL  & Inter-generational Engagement
Session responsible:
Session chair:Jackie Marshall-Cyrus
Date and time:26 September 2012, 11:00 – 12:30 h
Session partners:
  • IBBT (An Jacobs, Karen Willems)
  • IWT (Alain Thielemans)
  • Telecom SudParis (Jerôme Boudy)
  • CGIET / French Industry Office (Robert Picard, Bruno Charrat)
  • UTT-Champagne-Ardennes Living Labs ActivAgeing initiative (Myriam Lewkowicz, Jacqques Duchene, David Hewson)
  • ENoLL (Anna Kivilehto)
  • Institut Catholic de Lille (Cédric Routier)
Room:To be appointed

Session Content

2012 is the European Year of Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations.
Generations are not only defined by age groups or family relations. For a good understanding of the impact of ‘generations’ in the context of AAL, it is important to have a closer look at the background, views and values of different generations from a socio-cultural and economic perspective. This will be presented in the session. Furthermore we will discuss implications for cross generational engagement in AAL and the ways in which ICT can support this. This is an important step in  changing  a burden-based vision of an ageing society to an asset-based vision in AAL. How will this open up new markets for innovation and AAL?

Examples of intergenerational engagement will be presented in this session.

Preliminary program

15 minThe concept of generations and how this influences the use of ICT
Sabina Meiling, Fontys Hogeschool
15 minThinking about generations: How we design and create products/services for people
Gus Debarats,

10 min“ELDY: our intergenerational experiences to teach seniors the use of computer”
Anna Bianco, ELDY
10 minSeniorEngage – intergenerational transfer of workrelated professional knowledge (10 min.)
Jenny Woodard, CRIC

10 minThe Amazings, a marketplace for retirees to trade their skills
Katie Harris