Meeting stakeholder needs and expectations


Meeting stakeholder needs and expectations

Satisfying the needs of the end user should always be at the heart of the development process in any AAL project. This not only includes the older adults who will be using the solution, but also care associations, medical professionals, and the family and friends of that person. This theme has been designed to specifically explore the best ways of ensuring that solutions are designed to meet the expectations of their user, and will also touch on the ethical considerations that must be evaluated when creating these technologies.

Building engaging web and mobile solutions – iCareCoops

Tuesday 09.00-10.30

This workshop will demonstrate a best practice system engineering process in the field of AAL, as was applied in the iCareCoops project. From requirement gathering through stakeholder needs analysis to the deduction of design and implementation guidelines, the full approach for successful creation of solutions will be presented with respect to the diverse stakeholder landscape of AAL. Participants will gain a better understanding of end user involvement throughout the system engineering process in AAL. System engineers and end user experts will be able to explore the potential for stronger overlap and collaboration during research and development project work.

Johannes Burger (chair)

Louis Cousin 

Challenges in matching user needs and ethics issues

Tuesday 16.00-17.30

Presentations from this workshop can be found here.

Technological developments for informal care are a very important topic or research. Pervasive technologies have emerged as strong allies to the task of providing carers with informational, emotional and tangible support. Despite the benefits that pervasive technologies can provide, current and past research has raised several important ethical considerations about their use. This session will address the ethical issues that may arise from the use of user-centred design approaches for the elaboration of pervasive health technologies, with the objective of identifying elements of an ethics roadmap regarding technologies for informal care.

Hilda Tellioglu (chair)

Anton Zahneisen