AAL Forum 2021 Blog



Who’s exhibiting at the AAL Forum exhibition…so far?

As the days are ticking by with less than a month until the 2018 AAL Forum gets underway, we are starting to take a look at some of the exhibitors already getting ready to meet, greet and share with you their expertise, product, project or experience in the field of healthy ageing.

Every year the AAL Forum is excited to host the AAL Exhibition, where specific AAL projects can present their research, technological advances or even allow delegates hands-on demonstrations with their final products. The exhibition hall is also open to any businesses, industry experts or investors in the field that are interested in discovering what the AAL ecosystem has to offer or seeing how they can positively input themselves. The exhibition hall is a great place for exhibitors and delegates alike to gain face-to-face networking opportunities in a relaxed, fun environment.

Take a look at the exhibitors already confirmed for this year’s forum – and why not think about getting involved in the forum yourself:

  • AAL Programme

The Active and Assisted Living (AAL) Programme is a funding activity which aims to enhance the quality of life of older people and strengthen the industrial base in Europe through the use of ICT. Through the funding of new projects, the AAL Programme aims to reinforce the European market for AAL products and services.

  • ActiveAdvice – Decision support for independent living

This project aims to create an active advising and decision-support network across Europe. This is supported by a comprehensive ICT-based environment, presenting a broad state of the art collection on available AAL services and technologies offered at regional, national and international levels, which are stored in an Intelligent AAL Product and Service Cloud. Extensive end-users’ studies are carried out building the basis for the conception and implementation of services models for customers (older adults and their relatives), businesses and government.

  • Austrian Institute for Technology

The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology takes a leading position in the Austrian innovation system and a key role in Europe as the RTO focusing on the key infrastructure topics of the future. AIT provides RTD to realize basic innovations for the next generation of infrastructure related technologies in the fields of Energy, Mobility Systems, Low-Emission Transport, Health & Bioresources, Digital Safety & Security, Vision, Automation & Control and Technology Experience. AIT enables innovation through its scientific-technological expertise, market experience, tight customer relationships and high-quality research infrastructure.

The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) is Canada’s federal funding agency for health research. The CIHR Institutes of Aging and Health Services and Policy Research share a common goal of creating communities and health systems that can support healthy aging through ehealth technologies. AGE-WELL NCE Inc., Canada’s technology and aging network, is dedicated to the creation of technologies and services that benefit older adults and caregivers. Its mission is to develop the technology and aging community to accelerate the delivery of technology-based solutions for elderly.

Linking technologies and social environment is the central aim of the AAL Research Unit at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences. The unit develops concepts, products and services in the areas of smart home, smart health and smart interaction to improve the quality of life of older adults. It uses an innovative participatory Living Lab methodology and has proven excellence in intelligent sensor technology, interoperable interfaces, ADL algorithms, user interfaces, and socio-technical evaluation.

Cogvis are the experts for intelligent analysis of 3D data and images. Founded 10 years ago as a spin-off of TU Wien, our 13 employees develop and sell highly innovative AAL (Active and Assisted Living) solutions, allowing to ease the life and increase the safety of the elderly and senior citizens. Our main product is fearless – the intelligent fall sensor. Additionally, we are working on further innovative workplace solutions for rehabilitation and the support of care. 

  • ConnectedCare

ConnectedCare is a Dutch eHealth design agency. Our mission is to design eHealth innovations people love to use, ranging from care collaboration to social robotics. With our background in design research and our close links to academics, our team of designers and developers co-create, design, develop and bring innovations to market. ConnectedCare is experienced in European R&D projects, including AAL and H2020. We look forward to collaborating with you!

  • Montfort University

Advanced TeChnologies and PlatfoRm fOr Smarter ASsisted LivING
ACROSSING envisions an easy-to-use technology infrastructure for assisted living in Smart Homes (SH) through a network of 26 leading European research groups, industry partners and user organisations. Four scientific and technological objectives will be addressed, namely sensing and monitoring technologies, context inference and behaviour analysis, personalisation and adaptive interaction and open SH platform and service infrastructure.

  • Diputacion Foral De Bizkaia

Bizkaia, washed by the Bay of Biscay, is one of the provinces of the Basque Country and has nearly 1.2 million inhabitants. The provincial executive body has full taxation power, as well as responsibility for extensive development of Social Services and Economic Promotion, among other competences, within the high level of autonomy of the Basque Country. The Government of Biscay is leading a robust, comprehensive twofold strategy to promote Age Friendly Environments and the Silver Economy.

  • European Commission

Come and discover our European research and innovation projects, the Horizon prize for better mobility of older people and learn more about the three priorities of the recent Communication on Digital Health & Care: Access to your health data anywhere in the EU, pooling our EU resources and data for better research, and patient empowerment enabled by market innovation. Through policy, financial support and partnerships, the European Commission works towards a better quality of life for everyone, innovation and growth for a competitive EU industry, and sustainable care systems for society.


GocietySolutions believes in the liberating potential of technology. Our solutions make use of sophisticated IP protected smart algorithms, that enables trend analysis, abnormal detection and prevention. Supporting the user to feel safe and providing them with tools for a healthy lifestyle.

  • Fraunhofer Portugal Aicos

AICOS is an applied research centre focusing on the co-design and development of solutions for improved standards in life, health and work with advanced technology. AICOS is able to deliver solutions which are co-created with end-users and thus ensure great user experience, usability and usefulness.

  • IHOMELAB – Hochschule Luzern

The iHomeLab of the Lucerne University of applied Sciences and Arts is the Swiss think tank and research lab for building intelligence. Together with more than 20 scientists and over 200 industrial and commercial partners we conduct funded applied research in the fields of AAL, human system interaction and smart energy management. To sensitize and bring together the different stakeholders, the iHomeLab hosts numerous events and workshops involving end-users and the industry. iHomeLab will present the results of its ongoing AAL projects Home4Dem, zocAALo, Kitn’n’Kin and MyLifeMyWay.

  • Ideable Solutions

Ideable is a software company that participates in some AAL projects, for example, zocaalo.eu, the European marketplace for certified apps for elderly users, that will be presented during AAL Forum. Ideable is also responsible for the kwido.com ICT platform for eldercare: a family of software that includes cognitive stimulation, telemedicine, virtual reality, activity tracking indoor & outdoors, etc.

  • Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology

Sustainable Reference Framework evaluating quantified-self equipment and services for seniors, is developing a reference assessment framework which will allow manufacturers of health and well-being systems to evaluate their products and services from a senior-centered perspective, and improve their quality and usefulness accordingly. It also develops a web-based ICT platform which provides documented advice as well as the possibility to post usage-based comments regarding such products and services, in the specific context of well-being and health for seniors and their helpers.

  • Tecnalia

TECNALIA is the leading private and independent research and technology organization in Spain and one of the largest in Europe, employing 1,445 people (249 PhDs) and with income of 104 Million € in 2017. Its mission is to transform technology into GDP through the generation of business opportunities for industry. The HEALTH division of TECNALIA creates solutions which significantly improve the quality of life through the research and innovation in the fields of neuroengineering, food and health, biomaterials and medical robotics. TECNALIA is an Associate Partner of the EIT Health Association.

  • DIATOMIC – Health Digital Innovation Hub

Diatomic is an H2020 DIATOMIC project, which is establishing a sustainable ecosystem to facilitate digital innovation in the field of microelectronics and smart systems integration applied to health, agriculture, and industry. The project will distribute 3 million euros to small projects of 200 thousand euros, in two calls. After the success of the first call – 85 applications submitted, from 22 European countries – the second call will distribute 1.5 million €, is planned to open 1st November 2018 and close 31st of January 2019. This means that SMEs will start soon doing partner search for competence centres on DIATOMIC platform.

  • Université de Geneve

The Information Science Institute (ISI) at the University of Geneva joins industry, public administration and the general public to lead and shape an international landscape of research in Information Science. Research is carried out by nearly 30 members in 7 laboratories: Information Security, Augmented Human Trust, Knowledge Engineering, MIRALab, CASLab, Quality of Life and Travelling and Mobility. Currently, ISI is coordinating the AAL projects Vizier and SmartHeat, and is a partner in CoME, EDLAH2, Many-Me.

GREAT is the very first solution that performs a coordinated light, sound and aroma therapy at the right time, for a suitable period of time, and with the required intensity as well as quality. It’s a modular and extensible system, where modules (light, sound, aroma) may be adapted to changing user needs in line with the progress of dementia.

  • University Hospital of Geneva

After retirement, older adults may lose their principal occupation in life but also their colleagues and an appreciated routine. Palette platform aims to help them to develop new interests and create a new network to lead them to a new meaningful life. Palette connect people together to facilitate organisation of shared activities. The aim is not only to foster connections in the virtual world but to concretise these by real life encounters. By providing matchmaking service Palette will help older adults to find a new place in the society and share their skills and time with other people looking for it.

  • Vienna Business Agency

As the first point of contact for national and international companies, the Vienna Business Agency offers advice, real estate, and financial funding. Visit our stand and meet two Viennese companies with AAL projects!
The present activities of the Vienna Business Agency in this AAL Forum are part of the IC3 project, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund.

  • Vilans

The AAL project eWare “Early Warning (by lifestyle monitoring) Accompanies Robotics Excellence” is focused on improving the lifestyle of people with dementia and their (in)formal caregivers considering the extreme impact of this disease in the world. The technology and co-designed services used in eWare consist of existing lifestyle monitoring connected and integrated with novel support social robotics.

  • Quandram Bioscience Institute

QuisperTM is a digital platform, supporting personalised nutrition services in Europe, managed by a non-profit organisation in Belgium. Our services are designed for ICT developers delivering health and well-being Apps or healthcare providers, societal organisations, and professionals providing personalised nutrition advice. Quadram Institute Bioscience (QIB) is the Activity Leader of the Quisper project, among its main responsabilities are: to lead the business creation task and to support other academic partners.

2PCS Solutions GmbH
The 2PCS system is an alerting and locating system designed to help professional carers address the safety and independence of patients in various living and care settings. The 2PCS solution acts and reacts in an efficient way to save time and costs, as well as providing peace of mind to caregivers and relatives, and safer independence for leading.
