AAL Forum 2021 Blog


HACKATHON: Hack4Elder advantAGE – Save The Dates: 22-23 September!

On September 22 and 23, the University of Deusto organizes this international event in Biscay, at the Euskalduna Conference Center (Bilbao)

The weekend before the AAL Forum 2018 starts, a Hackathon Hack4Elder advantAGE, organized by the University of Deusto, will take place. This event is aimed at both national and international participants. The AAL hackathon invites you to bring your team or to register alone to be conformed into a participating group in need of your expertise to step up to the challenge.

Come to work on developing technological and/or non-technological solutions, services, new economic models, and/or new pathways that may help the elderly release their full potential and added value in society in a creative, interdisciplinary and intergenerational environment. Proposals may include Smart solutions for ageing well on the following subtopics:

  • Personal autonomy & independent living
  • Sustainable & inclusive care
  • Inclusion of the elderly in society (workplace, family, education…)
  • Polypharmacy: adherence and medical plans
  • Training & coaching on AAL
  • New business models (social enterprises)

The hackathon is a great place to learn new skills, network, and bring forward fresh ideas for improving the independence and social life of older people.

The guide-rules are simple:

1) Analyze the current situation of the elderly in society or if you are already working on this challenge, gather a group of friends or express your concern to look for other individual participants and jointly look for potential solutions that integrate the elder more in society and give them a louder voice!

2) Then, come to the Bilbao-based AAL Hackathon: Hack4Elder advantAGE, get coached and reviewed by a panel of international experts and potential users of your future product or service, learn new skills and bring the best ideas forward!

The day will begin with a group presentation on the challenges that the participants have considered relevant, before you are let loose to start working in the development of the projects.

From start to finish, the hackathon is a great place to learn new skills, network, and bring forward fresh ideas for improving the independence and social life of older people.

Soon we will provide more information. So, if you are interested, reserve the dates in your calendar and please fill in the FOLLOWING FORM so that we can send you all the information.