Guided tours at AAL FORUM 2019

AAL Forum – Guided tours to the AAL Forum Exhibition

We are pleased to announce that this year we will be giving guided tours of the AAL Forum exhibition space. These tours will provide you with a more in-depth explanation of the products and services on display, and we very much hope that you will join us for one of them!

The guided tours will bring together small groups of participants (10-12) with a guide and a schedule. The guide will take the participants to a selection of stands, where the exhibitors will each have five minutes to present their product, with another five minutes penned in for questions and answers. When the time is up, the guide will ensure that the whole group moves on to the next exhibitor. Within a time slot of 1½ hours, the group will get acquainted with 6-8 technologies.

Why would I sign up for a guided tour to the Forum Exhibition when I could just go there during a break?

The concept of guided tours ensures that you get to see the categories of products that interest you. You will be joining a group of peers with the same interests but from different countries and fields of work. The exhibitors will make short pitches of their product, after which you and the group can ask questions and make comments, and then the group moves on.

In our experience, participants enjoy the guided tours a lot. The mixed groups ensure a dynamic interaction – you meet peers that you might not have met otherwise, and you get to know products that you might not have thought about seeing if you were on your own.

The times available for guided tours are:

Tuesday 24 September: 

  • Tuesday 24th  –   9.00-10.30
  • Tuesday 24th  –  11.00-12.30
  • Tuesday 24th  – 16.00-17.30

Wednesday 25 September: 

  • Wednesday 25th   –  9.00-10.30
  • Wednesday 25th – 14.00-15.30

The tours are divided into the following categories:

  • Training: Technologies that can help you stay fit or get in shape, physically as well as cognitively. The focus is on technologies that will empower the end users to master their own lives, that will make it easier for staff and relatives to supervise and help, and that will help service providers support the needs of the end users.
  • Safety and security: The focus in this tour will be on technologies that can detect if a person has fallen, that help people avoid falling, that help you to locate a person who has gone missing, and that allow people to call for assistance if they are in need of help or that help them to feel safe and calm.
  • Active daily living, work and communication: These technologies make it easier for people to lead an independent life, can help people in their work, or can be used for communication with friends and relatives.
  • Healthcare: Technologies that are aimed at healthcare professionals that can help them in their work when supervising patients or helping people in their own homes.
  • R&D and education: Research or learning programmes that are aimed at innovation and cross-sectorial collaboration or information about AAL and end users and their needs.

Select the time slot that fits in your plans and select a category – we will take care of the rest for you! You can sign up for as many guided tours as you like.