Shadow Robot: a helping hand to achieve independent living
Robot hand technology developed by a small London-based company could help older adults, particularly those in the early stages of dementia, keep their independence for longer. The Shadow Dexterous Hand, a robot hand with 20 movements where most robot grippers have two, makes its own decisions on how to pick up, grip and release objects. This innovation has opened the door for Shadow Robot Company, inventor of the hand, to join two consortia developing robot technology that can allow people to stay independent in their own homes. The CHIRON project has provided Shadow Robot and its partners with £2 million funding through Innovate UK to develop a robotic solution that can be adapted to different tasks. Since January 2015, Shadow...Read More
AAL Smart Ageing Challenge Prize – Lekshmy Parameswaran: Judge’s view
AAL Smart Ageing Challenge Prize – Lekshmy Parameswaran: Judge’s view The AAL Challenge Prize is offering €50,000 for the best innovation that uses the Internet of Things to empower older adults to achieve the quality of life they aspire to, socially and independently. Lekshmy Parameswaran is Director of Research and Strategy at design consultancy fuelfor, and one of the judges for what is the AAL’s first Smart Ageing Prize. As part of our series of interviews with the prize judges, she provides insight into what she will be looking for from the winning entry. Click here for more details on how to enter the AAL Smart Ageing Challenge Prize What do you consider to be the challenges older people face in today’s...Read More
Enter the AAL Smart Ageing Prize and win €50,000
Karina Marcus of the AAL invites you to enter this valuable competition, which is offering a €50,000 top prize for the best Internet of Things innovation that will enable older people to live the best possible lives. This is a fantastic opportunity to kick-start your business and get your IoT product to market – and there is still plenty of time to enter using our simple online application form. There is little doubt that the Internet of Things (IoT) is going to revolutionise the way we live, helping individuals, business and society as a whole, providing better services and boosting the global economy. It’s already started. One area where IoT has the potential to have the greatest impact is in...Read More
AAL Smart Ageing Challenge Prize – Viviane von Doellen: Judge’s view
AAL Smart Ageing Challenge Prize – Viviane von Doellen: Judge’s view The AAL Challenge Prize is offering €50,000 for the best innovation that uses the Internet of Things to empower older adults to achieve the quality of life they aspire to, socially and independently. One of the judges for the prize is Viviane von Doellen, Cadre supérieur at the Stëftung Hëllef Doheem and responsible for Service Sécher Doheem, the Luxembourg national Telehealth service. As part of a series of Judges Views, Viviane explains what she sees as the challenges older people face in today’s society and how IoT is addressing these challenges What do you consider to be the challenges older people face in today’s world? Viviane von Doellen: Typical challenges...Read More
Karin Weiss – Judges view
Karin Weiss is the Deputy Managing Director and Head of Grants at the AGE Foundation. She is also one of the judges for the AAL’s first Smart Ageing Prize, which is providing €50,000 to the winning IoT innovation designed for older people. In the first of a series of interviews with the Prize judges, she provides an insight about what she will be looking for from the winning entry Q. What do you consider to be the challenges older people face in today’s world? K.W – We are moving towards a more aged society, which means that, collectively, we face new structural needs and challenges in professional and low-threshold care and we need to adopt a completely new understanding about...Read More
Smart homes offer many opportunities for innovation
Smart buildings and environments have the potential to help older adults and those with disabilities stay independent in their homes for longer. Technologies using sensors and other devices that are integrated into the building itself can both assist the resident and monitor them. This is an area that is rich with potential for possible ideas for the AAL Smart Ageing Prize, as a recent meeting in Brussels between some of Europe’s most influential entrepreneurs showed. The EC’s DG Connect and DG Grow hosted Neighbourhoods of the Future, a “meeting of minds” focusing on creating smarter new build and retrofit home environments, with a view to empowering older adults to live more meaningful, independent, connected lives with dignity and autonomy. Around...Read More
RelaxedCare: The People’s Choice
The AAL Award is one of the main highlights of the forum, in which three projects present their goals and business case in front of a panel of judges and the audience. The award is intended to recognise the most promising project of the AAL Programme. The winner must show that it demonstrates great promise in terms of innovation, a human-centric approach to development, and excellent market potential. The format of the award is conceived in an effort to enable the project’s coordinator and consortium to work with a more market-oriented attitude. The final contest is inspired to the style of the “Dragon’s Den” where each project pitches to convince the panel of evaluators and the audience. Each presenter has five...Read More
Smart Ageing Challenge Prize Webinar
The AAL Smart Ageing Prize webinar was held at 9am yesterday, 16th March, providing an introduction to the competition, an idea of how to enter and what the judges are looking for in the winning entry. The webinar featured presentations from Karina Marcus of AAL, Ovidiu Vermesan of the European IOT Research Cluster and Tris Dyson from Nesta’s Centre for Challenge Prizes. For all those that attended the webinar, we hope you enjoyed it but for anyone who missed it, you can catch up above and find out how you could win €50k with your smart ageing idea. More on the AAL Smart Ageing Prize Challenge Prize Centre website
Kick-starting innovation with a €50,000 challenge prize
Kick-starting innovation with a €50,000 challenge prize It is estimated that by 2020 up to 100 billion devices will be connected to the rapidly emerging Internet of Things (IoT). And that’s just a start as more and more sensors, actuators and microcontrollers are embedded into virtually everything on the planet. At the centre of the IoT, of course, are not things at all, but us – human beings, making use of the applications and services these connections enable. And that’s big business. If we look at the IoT in simple economic terms, research by Gartner predicts that it will generate an estimated $2 trillion in global economic value by 2020. There is little doubt, therefore, that the IoT is...Read More
Experience: winning the AAL Award
The AAL Award is one of the main highlights of the forum, in which three projects present their goals and business case in front of a panel of judges and the audience. The award is intended to recognise the most promising project of the AAL Programme. The winner must show that it demonstrates great promise in terms of innovation, a human-centric approach to development, and excellent market potential. The format of the award is conceived in an effort to enable the project’s coordinator and consortium to work with a more market-oriented attitude. The final contest is inspired to the style of the “Dragon’s Den” where each project pitches to convince the panel of evaluators and the audience. Each presenter has five...Read More