Workshop 22

Democratisation of the Internet of Things. Off-the-shelf technology tailored for everyone 

Theme 2
Wednesday 25 September 9:00-10:30
Room: 11

All over Europe, smart age-friendly environments are a well-established concept and the introduction of accessible IoT appliances offers an opportunity to empower senior citizens.

This workshop attempts to demystify the use of off-the-shelf IoT appliances for smart age-friendly environments by considering the choice between open and closed solutions and some of the consequences of that choice for end-users.

In this collaborative session, participants can aim to connect with other expert stakeholders and stimulate creative thinking through practical examples using popular IoT-based appliances and services. They will also develop awareness of how to enable old adults to design their own smart age-friendly environments.

Four key stages

The workshop will be broken down into four key stages:

  • Showcase popular IoT appliances and how they can assist activities of daily living.
  • Demonstrate an example of how they can be integrated into an intelligent rule-based system referencing the open systems approach.
  • Brainstorm and create a discussion among participants about new use cases.
  • Prototype and collect feedback about the usability of different combinations of these technologies.


The team of speakers is composed of four IoT expert engineers (Damon Berry, John McGrory, Paula Kelly, Michael Core) from Technological University Dublin and a Design Thinking researcher (Matteo Zallio) from Stanford University.