Workshop 19

Municipalities fostering the implementation of ICT solutions: Success case of Riga City Hall and Senior Group 

Theme 4
Wednesday 25 September 9:00-9:45
Room: Nortvegia

In this interactive workshop, PME Senior Care Operators  will work with participants to put together guidelines and standards that enable a variety of solutions to be easily combined for communication between ICT developers, municipalities and social care operators.

The positive experience of Riga City Hall and Senior Group will be shared with the group, as an alternative to traditional recommended innovative public procurement for ICT-based independent living solutions whilst municipalities act as public administrators. 

Participants can expect to come away from this workshop with a road map for care operators and municipalities in implementing ICT solutions (based on an AAL-developed example) in the municipality. Special attention will be put in creating a list of persuasive arguments to be used by an entrepreneur to persuade municipalities to support ICT innovations.


PDG Nikolay Koblyakov (Senior Group)
Martins Moors (Head of Social Administration of City of Riga)