Workshop 12

The importance of creating shared value through integrated business models in the healthcare economy

Theme 6
Tuesday 24 September 11:00-11:45
Room: 11

Today, patient needs are at the very core of every health innovation. Although there is still a long way to go to make the health sector fully patient-centered, it is imperative that today innovation in the health sector is focused on the end user. At the same time, we see the need for smart collaboration between providers aiming at delivering more effective and efficient care. Integrated care is becoming a craze in the health sector and pushes actors to increasingly coordinate and align their services, processes and ‘client’ interactions.

To respond to these needs, the traditional innovation processes have shifted from isolated, closed models to collaborative and open innovation models. Consequently, healthcare entrepreneurs must increase their collaborative efforts to bundle and combine services and products in order to create the desired impact. This is certainly true as integrated care enhanced the dominant business model in health from a fee-for-service one, in which providers are paid based on the amount of healthcare services they deliver, to a more value-based model. The ‘value’ in value-based healthcare is derived from measuring health outcomes against the cost of delivering these outcomes. These challenges require a new system approach, moreover new business models and partnerships with a patient-centered approach.

In the workshop we will talk about the “why” of new integrated business models with shared value.

After this, we will explain the “how”. How to start new business models through a practical case, the methodology shared value through integrated business models will be explained. Followed by a demonstration through the online tool:

We will stimulate interaction with the participants by putting forward a number of propositions to which they can then respond.

About the organisation

As regional development agency, POM West Flanders’ main mission is to implement the socio-economic policy of the province of West Flanders, by initiating, supporting and managing actions as a transparent and independent organisation, under the authority of the province.

The Factory for the Future Healthcare Economy, one of the core priorities of POM, wants to strengthen the West-Flemish healthcare ecosystem by stimulating cooperation between SME’s, social partners, knowledge institutions and regional governmental organisations. From this co-creation, the development of innovative products and services is enhanced. Focus is on involving the end user as the starting point for actions to be taken to ensure that the quadruple helix is embedded in the functioning of our healthcare economy.


Inge Taillieu (Coordinator Healthcare economy)
Dominique Bogaert (Project manager SHINE)

Inge Taillieu

Inge Taillieu

Dominique Bogaert

Dominique Bogaert