Forum Closing


The AAL Forum 2019 comes to a close. A short wrap-up of this year’s forum will be provided, followed by the European Reference Sites Award ceremony, and the announcement of the winners of the Citizen Accelerator Award and the award for the best exhibitor. The ceremony ends with the revelation of next year’s AAL Forum host city.

Wednesday 25 September 19:00-19:45
Room: Congress Hall


Representatives of the EIP on AHA: Awarding the new European Reference Sites

Anders Kühnau: Chairman of the Regional Council, Central Denmark Region: Awarding the best Citizen Accelerator

Representatives of the AAL Programme and Aarhus Municipality: Awarding the prize for the best AAL Exhibitor

Gerda Geyer: Vice President of the AAL Association and member of the Programme’s Executive Board, with a representative of the next AAL Forum host city

Moderator: Fernanda Freitas