Tuesday 24 September 14:00-15:30
Room: Congress Hall
Ageing societies are a reality today, not a far distant possibility. The increase in longevity is not only concerning individuals, but it is also changing our societies as a whole. Demographic change has become one of the main societal challenges of our time next to climate change or rising social inequalities.
An ageing society means particularly for Europe – where there are historically strong welfare states with universal healthcare systems – a profound rethinking of how we look and deal with those increased later stages of life. This rethinking will be about all areas of life, such as work after retirement (including inter-generational entrepreneurship); lifelong learning to be able to progress in an ever changing world also in later life; taking care of oneself more at home and in the community and less in the public care system. In short, a new social contract needs to be developed for the 21th century.
In this plenary, we want to investigate what is at stake for all of us as individuals and society and how do we deal with it. We will attempt to address these topics through two main questions: what are the implications, from a philosophical perspective, for the individuals and society when having to rethink an entire life plan? And, as a consequence, how are societies, mainly at the local and regional level planning to tackle this? We will ask the regional actors to explain how the implementation of prevention and health care strategies through the use of digital solutions is taking place and to present the most tangible output.
The panelists will be guided by TV anchor and professional moderator, Fernanda Freitas.
– Mrs. Karin Christiansen, PhD, Senior Associate Professor, Research Leader, Research Center for Health and Welfare Technology
– Mr. Manuel Villegas Garcia, Minister for Health of the Murcia Region, Spain
– Mrs. Hanne Roed, Vice-Chairman of the Regional Council of Central Denmark
Karin Christiansen
Manuel Villegas Garcia
Hanne Roed