The AAL Forum 2019 is now just six weeks away! Today we will be giving you another taster of some of the interactive workshops that will be taking place over the course of the event.
As the format of the AAL Forum has evolved over the last decade, its emphasis on interactivity has increased. The workshops that are held each year represent the pinnacle of this focus on sharing knowledge, best practice and experiences, and this year’s selection of sessions promises to be one of the best we’ve ever put together.
Over the coming weeks, we’ll be talking you through the workshops that we have organised for the AAL Forum 2019, which have been grouped together according to theme.
This week we are taking a look at the workshops that address our third theme, “Data for better lives – How do we become better at mastering all of our data?”.
WORKSHOP → Do The Right Thing: The Ethics Of Digital Health
📅 Tuesday 24 September
⏲ 11:00-12:30
The use of data in healthcare is widespread and is expected to increase even more in the coming years. Data-driven innovations will have a significant impact on society, including the healthcare sector and the workers and patients a part of it. This impact affects a wide range of human and societal values such as privacy, autonomy, freedom and equality, and therefore a dialogue on the ethics of data in healthcare is necessary in order to ‘do the right thing’.
This workshop will discuss the importance of data ethics by using the dialogue model: “The ethical data assistant”, before inviting participants to join us in subgroups for a quick tour through the ethical landscape using various case studies. Participants are invited to share their own cases in projects or products they are working on. The workshop will be concluded in a wrap-up session with brief feedback from the subgroups.
WORKSHOP →Ethics, data and privacy protection: who will take responsibility and how we proceed to a common framework for IT-AHA in Europe?
📅 Wednesday 25 September
⏲ 16:00-17:30
New ICT solutions aim to take care of people who are older, sometimes fragile and most of the time not tech-savvy. They make use of people’s data to improve the technology in general and, on a personal level, to keep an eye on the users’ wellbeing. We expect they are keeping them ‘safe’ when collecting and analysing their data. Caring for people who are mostly unaware of the ’worth’ of their information also involves taking responsibility for their safety by protecting their data and privacy.
However, technology doesn’t police itself. Several technologies, namely in the health sector, are well framed in terms of data protection, ethical concerns and privacy, but many others are flourishing with no framework other than the GDPR and no adequate supervision. How can we make European policy to keep people using non-medical technology solutions ‘safe’ and raise their awareness concerning data and privacy so they can make ‘safe’ decisions themselves?
The goal of this workshop is to raise discussion on how we can make sure that older – mostly not tech-savvy – people who use non-medical technology solutions are ‘safe’ where it concerns to their data and privacy. Policymaking at a European level on the ethical framework is one way to protect them, but it is also essential to raise their awareness, so they are able to make ‘safe’ choices themselves.
WORKSHOP →Privacy-aware and acceptable lifelogging services for older people
📅 Wednesday 25 September
⏲ 15:00-16:30
Lifelogging technologies can enable and motivate individuals to pervasively capture data about them, their environment and the people with whom they interact. In contrast to the advanced technical development in lifelogging technologies, the knowledge about the human factor regarding the willingness to adopt such technologies and to be supported by digital services is still considerably underdeveloped. This lack of understanding has significantly reduced the transfer of these developments to innovations.
Aspects of technology acceptance, the detailed study and the willingness to accept self-tracking technology, as well as the individual usage motives and barriers, have mostly been disregarded or underestimated so far. Any successful rollout of such technologies requires the acceptance of users and their openness to not only tolerate technical approaches, but to integrate user-centred technology in their personal life. Moreover, GDPR establishes the obligation for technologies to meet the principles of data protection by design and by default.
This special session will discuss these issues and collect participant’s opinions about the motives and barriers that limit users’ acceptance and makes the deployment of lifelogging services for AAL difficult.