AAL Forum 2021 Blog


Don’t miss the biggest AAL exhibition

With up to 90 different stands, the exhibition at the AAL Forum 2019 promises to be the biggest yet. It will be the perfect place for AAL delegates to learn about and interact with the latest research and the most promising products in the field of active and healthy ageing. We speak to Kirsten Rud Bentholm, who is in charge of the exhibition at the AAL Forum 2019.

What is your role in the AAL Forum exhibition?

I am the head of the CareWare exhibition, which will be the Exhibition area on AAL Forum 2019.

You are also responsible for DokkX. Can you explain the background to this project?

DokkX is an innovative development centre for Welfare Technology and digital health solutions. Through presentations and demonstrations of various technological tools and assistive devices, DokkX seeks to promote curiosity and knowledge of technologies.

Who is DokkX for and what can they hope to gain from it?

By feeling, touching and playing with the technologies, citizens of all ages will develop better competencies in the use of Freedom technology in their daily lives. DokkX works to demystify welfare-technology and illustrate how technology is a tool in many people’s everyday lives and therefore not only addresses older citizen groups.

AAL Forum delegates can expect to have a guided tour of the exhibition. How can delegates get involved?

Guided tours around the exhibition will be available every day in different themes and there will also be a guided tour to “DokkX on tour” – a bus filled with assistive devices and technologies and to the DokkX showroom at DOKK1. There will be an opportunity here to test the technologies under the guidance of professionals.

What ambitions do you have for the AAL Forum exhibition in 2019?

We want to present delegates with a huge amount of innovative and usable products and projects from throughout Europe. We also want to enhance the opportunities exhibitors have to speak with professionals from all relevant sectors throughout Europe who will be at the forum. The exhibition will be divided into themes, so it will be easier for the delegates to meet with people from projects and those displaying their products that are most relevant to their work.

How do you hope to achieve these goals?

We have selected a wide range of innovative products and projects and divided them into different themes that are related to the overall topics for the AAL Forum 2019.  All products and projects are described on the AAL Forum website and more detailed descriptions can be found on the CareWare website. Here we describe the value of the products and services being exhibited at the forum for citizens, employees, older people and the possible benefits they will have for the wider economy at large.

Who and why should people exhibit on the 2019 Forum?

The AAL Forum is an unmissable opportunity for exhibitors to showcase new technological advances and innovations and the latest research results in the field of active ageing to potential investors, other SMEs, industry and the research community. The AAL Forum 2019 is expected to be the largest yet, with up to 90 exhibitors and more than 800 delegates taking part in the event, making it a must for all exhibitors wanting two full days of exposure to industry stakeholders, end users and investors who are looking to get their hands on the next big thing and invest in solutions designed for active ageing.

Take a closer look at the preliminary programme to start planning your AAL Forum visit and make the most of what is on offer!