Workshop 24

Innovation to market – I2M (joint session AAL/EIP on AHA)

Theme 4
Wednesday 25 September 14:00-15:30
Room: Dania

The way towards demand driven solutions

The AAL Programme in collaboration with the European Innovation Partnership on Active & Healthy Ageing kindly invite you to our co-hosted events of the AAL Forum and the Conference of Partners.

Innovation to Market (I2M) is the most recent initiative launched at European level to foster the adoption of digitally driven marketable solutions for Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA).

This horizontal action is part of the European Commission strategy on the Digital Transformation of Health and Care in the Digital Single Market. I2M addresses the AHA market, exploring what types of investments are made in Europe by both public and private sector organisations and identifying the gaps between demand and supply that create barriers for sound deployment.

The goals are:

  • to implement a set of measures that could contribute to scale up solutions and explore market opportunities across the EU;
  • to allow healthcare institutions to build their innovation capacity to drive innovation by expressing their needs and then look for solutions that fit their demand;
  • to ensure that market uptake would have a higher success rate by steering innovation from the demand side.

The workshop session is intended to launch the support services provided by the I2M Plan, addressed to both buyers and solution developers, with the purpose to accelerate the adoption of suitable AHA solutions.

Among those services, special attention will be paid to the eHealth Hub platform as a tool to identify different AHA stakeholders as well as the presentation of the ways to engage in the forthcoming Matchmaking Session and the Call for Adoption Awards.

The overall objective of the workshop is to foster the identification of unmet needs from the demand organisations while providing participants with a better understanding of current opportunities – both those available in 2019 and those forthcoming in 2020 – and actionable tools to select the most suitable ones to address those needs.


Why I2M, why now? A necessary bridge to foster connexion between demand and supply in the AHA market (Maite Ferrando, Kveloce I+D+i)
The I2M development process and its offer to the AHA community (Valentina Tageo, ECHAlliance)
What it is coming next? Launch of the Matchmaking action and the Adoption Award (Myriam Martin, TicBioMed)


Jose Usero (Funka)

Maite Ferrando

Maite Ferrando

Valentina Tageo

Valentina Tageo

Myriam Martin

Myriam Martin

Jose Usero

Jose Usero