Session A1

Session A1

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Session A1
Working Title:AAL and the Active and Healthy Ageing EIP – opportunities to connect and grow
Date & Time
Tuesday 25 September, 9.00 – 10.30
Session responsible:Karina Marcus and Martin Jäkel
Chair:Mike Biddle, president AAL Association, TSB, UK
Room:Philips Hall

Session Content
Since 2008, the Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme (AAL JP) has been funding projects to develop AAL solutions through 5 distinct calls for proposals. The outcome of these projects will contribute to achieving the overarching goal of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP AHA), which by 2020 aims to increase the number of healthy life years in Europe by two years. The AAL JP has contributed to the Strategic Implementation Plan for the EIP AHA and is hosting the action group as pre-conference activity of the AAL Forum in Eindhoven.

The Innovation Partnership provides a unique opportunity for the AAL JP to foster important integration of various players that are essential for the successful implementation of AAL solutions and thus contribute to the (commercial) success of AAL JP projects. Thus this session will allow a close discussion between EIP-AHA, the AAL JP and the different important players in the AAL field.

In the introductory presentation to this session, the main elements of the EIP AHA (objectives, goals, scope, partners, governance, etc.) will be explained. The introductory presentation will be followed by an interactive discussion with panel and audience. The panel will include members of the European Commission, SME and industry representatives, end-user associations, research organisations and National Funding Agencies.  They will discuss the joint benefits that the AAL JP and the AHA EIP can achieve together and how they can most effectively interact. This discussion will also seek to put the joint efforts of the AAL JP and the EIP AHA in the current economic context, identify the opportunities for future growth and discuss the possibilities to overcome the market entrance barrier. Two members of the of European Parliament will give a reflection on the discussion.



Mike Biddle, President of AALA

Marja van Bijsterveld, Minister for Education, Culture & Sciences of the Netherlands

Brigite van Haaften, Provincial executive for a.o. Welfare & Healthcare of Noord-Brabant

Neelie Kroes (video message), Vice President of the European Commission

Paul Timmers,  Director Sustainable & Secure Society, DG CONNECT, European Commission  

Jeroen Wals, Chief Technology Officer, Philips Healthcare Solutions, Eindhoven

Inger Hagen, Forget-me-not, Norway

Barbara Kuss, Forschungsinstitut des Roten Kreuzes, Austria

Rick Hutley, Vice President Innovation, Cisco, San Jose, USA

Lambert van Nistelrooij, Member op European Parliament

Kartika Liotard, Member op European Parliament