

3d human with a gold trophy in hands

The most promising AAL Project

The first edition of the AAL Forum’s award recognizes the the project from Calls 1 and 2 that demonstrates great promise in terms of innovation, human-centric approaches to development and market potential.

The AAL JP programme has invested significantly in almost 60 projects of which several from the 1stand 2ndCalls for Research are now beginning to show results. This means that the timing is quite good to create and raise levels of awareness/PR of the AAL JP progress and results from the projects, whilst at the same time highlighting the core ideas behind the AAL Joint programme.

This call is open to the AAL projects that have already started as of 1 September 2011.

Selection criteria

The level of innovation – in terms of novelty of concept, approach to the development of the solution from both technological and social perspectives.
Level and quality of end user integration and potential to improve the quality of life for older adults, their families, carers and significant others
Market potential for the project – based on the analysis and understanding of the current and future AAL market trends as well as competition.
The judging panel is composed of three recognised experts in the field of the AAL and it will make a selection from all entries down to a maximum of three according to the criteria previously listed.

The Pitching and the award session

The 3 finalists will present their project work based on the detailed criteria at the AAL Forum 2011 Award Session in Lecce.
Each session will last 5/7 minutes and it will be presented by project coordinators or another suitable representative (e.g. SME) in a predefined format lasting max. 5 minutes. The award session will feature participants pitching their projects to the judges who will decide on the project that they deem most promising. Judges can give positive and supportive feedback and pose questions to the participants of their experiences.


This will give greater visibility to the projects before the AAL community on the spot, and to the VIPs attending the Forum.

Winners will be announced during the plenary session of day 1 of the Forum, on 26 September 2011, they will be honoured with a special plaque, and they will finally gain a free booth for next AAL Investment Forum.

The deadline to submit entries for the 2011 AAL Forum Award is 30 July 2011