AAL Forum 2021 Blog


Themes of the AAL Forum 2018: Theme 1

As well as showcasing some amazing technology, the AAL Forum will address its main thematic focus of Ageing Well in the Digital Age through lively debate, interactive workshops, ground-breaking talks and the sharing of some brilliant ideas.


Through this exciting programme, we are looking to engage with our growing community of change makers who are helping to deliver technology that will improve quality of life for older people in the digital age.


Out of 53 European-wide workshop applications, 26 sessions were eventually selected for the programme. Forum delegates will be able to take part in these workshops actively and help address the main forum topic through three themes that run across the programme acting as the main areas of study for 2018. These themes are:


Theme 1: Life after AAL – Ensuring AAL solutions are getting to the market

This theme aims to present and break down into digestible and informative portions, the different public and private funding opportunities available for AAL solutions once the AAL project and its associated funding has finished. This is to ensure that any resulting products or services can be successfully incorporated into national health and social care systems or penetrate the market in other ways.


Forum participants can expect to hear from successful actors on their experiences and learn from their individual paths to better understand best practices and trends. Alternatively, the theme will also address project failures to prompt discussion about lessons learnt in order to help prevent others from making the same mistakes.


Some of the proposed workshop topics look at:

  • Municipalities as an enabler for AAL markets
  • The art of the business case
  • Joining up age-friendly smart homes and smart communities: Voices in standardisation

Click here to find more workshops.


Keep an eye out tomorrow, we’ll be revealing Theme 2!