Welcome from the chairmen

Welcome from the chairmen

Welcome to the south of Europe. In the fourth year of the AAL JP the AAL Forum will be hosted in Italy. The Mediterranean surrounding will set the scene for you to discuss the hot topics of ICT solutions and services for the ageing society.


The first projects result are now facing financial realities so it is time to really bridge the gap for implementation in every days’ life. To raise the quality of life and promote independent living we have to mainstream our activities.

The AAL Forum invites all stakeholders and organisations to discuss the key elements sharing their point of view. Innovation has to be demand driven by the end users and potential buyers.  Let’s get ready for the market.

Kerstin and Pietro

Pietro Siciliano

AAL Forum 2011 Programme Committee Chair

Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems, Italy

Kerstin Zimmermann
AAL Forum 2010 Programme Committee Co-Chair

Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology