Track F – Technology, Platforms, Standards, Interoperability
Time | Wednesday the 15th of September |
Track F Track Chairs: Saied Tazari, Fraunhofer IGD/Ad van Berlo, Smart Homes, The Netherlands/ PeterWintlev-Jensen, Head of Sector,European Commission | |
Track rationale | To investigate the role of standards and platforms in coping withthe challenge of interoperability in AAL as well as theobstacles to their wider adoption by technologyproviders |
Theme | Technology,Platforms Standards, Interoperability |
16.30-18.00 | F1: Technical standards for AAL: Achivements andobstacles |
Session Rationale | In the spirit of the main question in Track F, the presentations inthis session introduce different standardization efforts related toAAL. They will provide an overview of the specific fields ofactivity and the important achievements to date while addressingany obstacles encountered on the way of wider adoption inRTD. Concludingdiscussions planned inSession F5. |
Speakers | Chair: Michael Stru?bin, Continua HealthAlliance
Time | Thursday the 16th of September |
09.00-10.30 | F2: Major AAL platform projects: achievements andobstacles |
Session Rationale | The presentations deal with the question of how the AAL JointProgramme can use and transfer experience fromthe major FP platform projects. Hence, the presentationsnot only give anoverview of the exploitable results from those projects butalso discuss howthe effective transfer of results could work and which barriersthe projects see in this Each ofthe invited EU-IST-FP projects (HYDRA, I2Home, MPOWER, NetCarity, OASIS, PERSONA, SOPRANO) will have a presentation. Concludingdiscussion planned in sessionF5. |
Speakers | Chair: Sergio Guillen, Dr., ITACA,@Universidad Politécnica deValencia
13.00-14.30 | F3: Major AAL platform projects: achievements andobstacles |
Session Rationale | Continuationof session F2 |
Speakers | Chair: Sergio Guillen, Dr., ITACA,@Universidad Politécnica deValencia
15.00-16.30 | F4: UniversAAL – Consolidation, OpenSource, & Community Building |
Session Rationale | As shown in the sessions F2 and F3, the production of softwareinfrastructures supporting AAL has been the core topic of a numberof EU projects. The legacy of these projects should not be allowedto die after the end of the projects; rather, their furthermaturation should be promoted and supported. With the goal toachieve this, universAAL, an FP7project started in February 2010, is applying different processesand tools: A consolidation process of existing architecturaldesigns in order to converge to a common reference architecture; anopen source reference implementation of a consolidated platformbased on such reference architecture; and a consensus buildingprocess to be carried forward by a large community composed ofrepresentatives of AAL stakeholders. In this session, these toolsand processes will be introduced briefly. Concludingdiscussions planned inSession F5.. |
Speakers | Chair: Reiner Wichert, Dr. Ing., Fraunhofer AALAlliance
Time | Friday the 17th of September |
09.00-10.30 | F5: Concluding Discussions |
Session Rationale | The idea is to use this session to further discuss the issuesaddressed in the previous four sessions (the chairs of thissession, as the moderators of the discussions, are responsible togather them all): Discuss to which extent the universAAL approach could be promising for coping with the challengesaddressed in F1 to F3; which advices can be given to universAAL on its way towards its goals; whichcomplementary arrangements could be added to the agenda ofEU-IST-FP and AAL-JP? |
Speakers | Chairs: Ad van Berlo, Smart Homes, TheNetherlands & Joe Gorman, SINTEF ICT Panelists