Track D

Track D – AAL in National & Regional Politics

TimeWednesday the 15th of September
Track D
Track Chairs: GerhardFinking, Dr., Regionaal e.V./ ReinhardGoebl, AAL Forum 2010 Programme Committee Co-Chair,Ambient Assisted Living Association, Central Management Unit
Track rationale

The complexity of challenges of demographic change ranging frompublic mobility to new social services can only be addressed byrespective comprehensive policies on national and regional level.Before and especially since the start of the AAL Joint Programmemore and more member states have developed or are developingnational programmes. The session provides the possibility toexchange information about national AAL related programmes anddiscuss with the national representatives. 

Regions in Europe are even more directly than central governmentsaffected by demographic change. Some regions with fast growingsenior population and decreasing population in general have todevelop new policy approaches and intensify the deployment of AALsolutions. Exchange of information, a joint assessment ofsolutionsand formulation of best practice approaches for AALdeployment are main topics for regions.A new initiative of regions develops a new basis for a closercooperation.

ThemeAAL in National & Regional politics
16.30-18.00D1: Comprehensive policies in AAL
Session RationaleMember states with some years of experience in AAL relatedprogrammes and member states with relatively new programmes meet ina round table discussion with an introductory presentation of eachprogramme of around 5 minutes. The audience could and should beincluded into the discussion. Programmes and member states areUnited Kingdom, France, Netherlands, Denmark..

Chair: Reinhard Goebl,Co-Chair AAL FORUM Committee 

Nanna Skovgaard.pdf, Head of Division, The Danish Agency forGovernmental Management: Investments in Public Welfare Technology in Denmark in a NationalFramework. Key Learnings and NewOpportunities

Sigrid Dahlerup.pdf, Senior Adviser & Frederikke Saabye, Headof section, Danish En­terprise and Construction Authority, DanishMinistry of Economic and Business Af­farirs: The Business Innovation Fund

Barbara van den Linden.pdf, Dr., ZonMW: Cost-saving in the Netherlands: the KiKKinitiative

AlainFranco.pdf, Prof., CNR SDA: Complexity of challenges should lead to a new healthparadigm

Mike Biddle.pdf

TimeThursday the 16th of September
09.00-10.30D2: Regional AALpolicies
Session RationaleThe session comprised comprehensive policy approaches and alsospecific new and innovative policies especially on regionallevel.
(1) Implementation of aMultichannel Service Centre in theBasque Country: Part of the Solution for ChronicPatients
(2) Hungarian InitiativesPromoting AAL Innovation
(3) Paradigm shift incare 

(4) AAL for all


Jesus Maria Fernandez Diaz, Regional Deputy Minister of Health ofthe Basque Country: The Basque Country Multichannel Healthcare Center: Vision andImplementation Strategies 

Anett Molnar.pdf, GMM EUROPE/Hungarian Mobility and MultimediaCluster: Hungarian Initiatives Promoting AALInnovation

MariëlleSwinkels, Expert eHealth/ Expert Smart Care Project Provincie Noord-Brabant, ZorgtechnoService: Paradigm shift in Care

Filipe Sousa.pdf & Dirk Elias, Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS: AAL4ALL Project


13.00-14.30D3: The AAL group of regions initiative
Session RationaleThe Community of Regions for Assisted Living is the result ofseveral workshops and shall allow regional and local stakeholdersto: 

  • Exchange views, experiences and best practices on policy, serviceredesign, fi­nance and market stimulation through a dedicated webplatform and the conven­ing of a series of topic-focussed virtualand face-to-face discussions and confer­ences
  • Refine concepts of end-user involvement in programme developmentto avoid technology push but instead use service and policyredesign to stimulate the market in the right way
  • Provide the AAL Joint Programme with a rich source of real-lifecase studies and areas for pilot projects to enhance future callpreparation and encourage the emergence of new consortia

Members of the initiative group of regions will give shortpresentations about the ob­jectives, organisation, first activitiesand working groups. The initiative group invites all interestedregions, cities and experts too join the network. Furtherinformation is provided at the networks platform(


Peter Raeymaekers, Advisor Flanders’Care, 

Edwin Mermans, Province Noord-Brabant,

Dafydd Pugh,Kent County Council:

The AAL group ofregions initiative

HeinerDippel, Hesse-NorthRetail and Trade Association:

The onlineplatform for the AAL Community of Regions

15.00-16.30D4: AAL For regions workshop
Session Rationale

The session addresses more specific problems, objectives andinnovative solutions of regions. 

SENIORLAB-Project: Ageing Research and Development in RuralAreas

Deployment of AAL solutions in rural regions

An integrative approach for ageing


Maria Joao Machado_D4.pdf, CETIEX-Industrial TechnologicalCenter of Extremadura: SENIORLAB Project-Ageing Researchand Development in Rural Areas 

Heiner Dippel, Hesse-North Retail and Trade Association: Deployment of AAL – Solutions inrural regions

Paolo Ciampolini, Prof., Centro TAU – Università degli Studi diParma: An integratedapproach for ageing at home: deploying AAL services in ruralareas