AAL Forum 2021 Blog


Call for posters: Submit your idea by August 15th

Do you want the chance to present your work to colleagues and investors at the AAL Forum? Submit your idea for a poster by August 15th if you want to take this opportunity to present at one of the biggest forums of its kind.

The poster session at the AAL Forum 2017 will provide an opportunity to present your latest results, ongoing research projects and innovative work in progress. Posters give authors and participants the chance to connect with each other and to engage in discussions about their work. They are also a fantastic way to present complex research concepts in a more accessible and easily digestible format.

Practical information

All posters must be submitted electronically, and must be submitted by the 15th of August. All posters must be presented at the poster sessions during the event, which will take place on the 3rd and 4th of October. Electronic equipment will be at your disposal for poster presentations (screens/PC/projectors). Guidelines for submissions can be found here.


The poster session will be structured so that contributions are grouped into three main topics. These thematic areas are derived from the second, third and fourth of the AAL Forum’s overarching themes, explained below:


This theme aims to present two complementary perspectives that can influence the incorporation of AAL solutions. The first is the value that governments place on AAL solutions, and subsequently how they are embedded in national health and social care systems (macro approach).  The second is the value that regional authorities, municipalities and service providers place on AAL solutions, and subsequently how they are introduced into daily operations (micro approach).

Proposed topics for posters include:

  • Large companies interested in broadening their scope (telecom, car, home, insurances)
  • PPPs to support this alternative way
  • Good practice for pre-commercial procurements (PCP) and public procurement of innovative solutions (PPI)
  • Shared savings (e.g. the Health Deal, Social Impact Bonds (SIB))
  • Risk investment (nonprofit and for-profit ventures)
  • Time banks (giving help to society now and getting it back when you are older)
  • What do policy makers really need and want in order to offer the right environment for bringing assistive technology into use (e.g. regulatory aspects)?


This theme aims to find ways to increase the adoption of AAL solutions by identifying the gaps that remain between them and the actual needs of users. It is important that AAL projects follow and understand processes and activities that add value to  product and services, in order to meet customer needs and expectations. Posters can explore every step of this journey, looking for common reasons for rejection and adoption.

Proposed topics for posters include:

  • What is holding stakeholders back from adopting technology?
  • Biodesign – how to identify user needs (primary, secondary and tertiary end-users)
  • Maslow’s hierarchy of needs – what are the needs AAL solutions are addressing?
  • What is the perceived value and price elasticity of AAL solutions?
    – Basic requirements of primary, secondary and tertiary end-users
    – Digital literacy (acceptance and understanding of the added value of technology by decision makers, professionals and users e.g. good practice of how a social care employer moved from traditional to digital training of their employees)
  • Impact of ethical aspects
  • Interoperability (the ability of different ICT systems to communicate)


This theme aims to learn from the previous experience of successful cases, answering the question, “If our project started today, what we would do differently?”. It will also address relevant inherent indicators to increase the impact of future AAL Solutions, taking into consideration good practice procedures from past experiences and AAL projects.

Proposed topics for posters include:

  • Improving technical approaches to meet user expectations in AAL:
             – How to define better pilots for AAL projects 
             – Evaluation methodologies
             – Indicators
             – How to define the number of users to involve in the pilot
             – Relevant outputs to prove the value of the new solution compared with the current approaches
  • Requirements for data protection in different countries and markets

Please note that for poster presentations you need to register on the AAL Forum 2017 website by 15th of August at: https://www.aalforum.eu/registration/