AAL Forum 2021 Blog


Preliminary outcome of AAL Call 2017

The AAL Call 2017 entitled “AAL packages/integrated solutions: Packages integrating different solutions based on ICT to support active, healthy and independent living of older adults,” closed on May 24th 2017 to all proposals.

This challenge focused on turning impressive ideas into AAL projects that can provide practical, integrated solutions to challenges in people’s everyday lives. There is a need to provide end-users with products that are personal, useful and take the entire life span into consideration, therefore, packages that offer built-in flexibility.  

45 proposals were received from the call with a total funding of €26,104,496.00, from 14 AAL partner states. Five main fields of research were established from the proposals, revealing an exciting new phase in AAL’s development.

Future AAL projects will be closely focused on: social interaction; navigation; innovative elderly care; robotics in support of dementia; and game based rehabilitation. The AAL Forum is sure to open up lively discussions around these topics making it a must-attend event to learn about AAL’s progressing community, so come along and have your say.

Some interesting statistics from the initial report show that the Netherlands submitted the most proposals and had the highest number of SME involvement. Switzerland on the other hand had the largest number of universities involved in their submitted proposals out of the 14 partner states. Overall, SME’s were the largest type of organisation to have participated in the AAL Call 2017.

A more detailed report will be published in December 2017.