Inside the Forum
Does the Robot Care? Perspectives on the Acceptance of Social Robots in Healthcare
There are several examples of innovative robots in care. However, their actual use in the domains medical care and care for the elderly is scarce. Is this still due to technological problems – or do humans simply prefer care from fellow humans? What if these care robots were social robots, able to recognise a patient’s emotions, responding properly to a depressed or cheerful patient? And is such a response be ethically desirable – or is it unethical to make a machine simulate human understanding?
In order to answer this questions, this workshop will be divided into 3 main folds: discussion on best practices for social robotics, the potentials emotion-recognizing social robots and will finish with the discussion on more acceptable and “humane” social robots in care.
Looks very interesting, right? Don’t miss this session at the #AALForum 2017 in Coimbra.
Read the Programme and get registered. in one week from now, registration will be open!