Track A – Market, Economy, Innovation
Time | Wednesday the 15th of September |
Track A Track Chairs: Urs Guggenbuehl, Dr. sc. nat., University of Applied Sciences St.Gallen/Sofia Moreno, eVia-AETIC/ Martin Jaekel, Dr., French National ResearchAgency | |
Track rationale | The population of the elderly is growing steadily in many developedcountries and demographic change will thus affect their marketsand economies. This change presents not only new challenges tosociety but also opens up new market opportunities. This tracklooks at the new markets developing around the elderly populationas a target group and discusses appropriate business models to meetthe needs of the elderly. It will also discuss the difficultiesSMEs have in developing innovativeproducts for the elderly and bringing these products to market.Subsequently, the session will also consider the economicchallenges arising from the demographic change as well as thestandards and best practices needed to cope with thischallenge. |
Theme | Market,Economy, Innovation |
16.30-18.00 | A1: Silver Markets |
Session Rationale | “Silver markets”, i.e. markets driven by elderly consumers,represent a significant economic potential today as well as in themid- to long-term future. Despite this potential, ICT-basedsolutions for the elderly are often difficult to place on themarket and have difficulties to attain the anticipated marketsuccess. Consequently, it may also prove difficult to translate theICT R&D projects funded by AAL into commercialsuccess. This session has the aim to formulate the problems hampering accessto silver markets and address these problems using practicalexamples as well as theoretical considerations. The session willtherefore give insights into how to access silver markets inoperational terms and show some of the pitfalls to beavoided. In particular,the session:
Speakers | Chair: Hubert Oesterle, Prof. Dr., Instituteof Information Management, University of St.Gallen Philipp Osl.pdf, University of St. Gallen, Competence Center IndependentLiving: Silver Markets – What are we talking about? Anne-Sophie Parent, AGE Platform Europe: Is the market ready to adapt to an ageing society? Leveraginginnovation focusing on the needs of older people Ignacio del Arco Herrera.pdf, Dr., i2BC (Institute ofInnovation for Human Wellbeing): Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) as an emerging and tractor industryin Andalucía: A prospective impact study of the deployment of AALbased solutions in the regional industry and economicsectors Lutz Kubitschke.pdf, empirica Gesellschaft für Kommunikationsund Technologieforschung: Evidence on current AAL Markets – Selected outcomes of the ‘ICT& Ageing Study’ Florian Kicherer.pdf, Fraunhofer Institute for IndustrialEngineering IAO: Use what you’ve got: integration of available technology intosuccessful business models for healt |
Time | Thursday the 16th of September |
09.00-10.30 | A2: Conceptual approach |
Session Rationale | Current business models in AAL may be misleading. At first glance,if we take into account the forecasts regarding the ageing ofpopulation in Europe, we might face very promising opportunities.It is a fact that ICTs have proved tobe a great ressource for publicadministrations in the sustainability of the state of socialwellbeing, while improving the quality of life of the elderlypopulation. But such an attractive market is still somewhatunexplored … We must tackle severalbarriers, such as the strong influence of a fragmented publicsector, the digital gap of actual potential users, the lack of standards. Nevertheless, there are some constructive approaches to find a gapin the wall and some of them are going to be presentedhere. |