Interactive workshops at the AAL Forum
At this year’s forum we want to create a vibrant interactive event, building on the creativity and the commitment of the AAL community. During the forum we want to explore the different factors that influence the availability of AAL technologies and solutions in Europe.
The interactive workshops have been divided into six themes that will act as the pillars of the AAL Forum 2016. Find out out more about the individual workshops that will be taking place this year by clicking on the individual theme pictures.
From AAL solution to market success
Technological solutions that enhance quality of life for older adults are at the heart of the AAL Programme. Behind every solution is an AAL project, each of which must travel the journey from prototyping through testing and finally to commercialisation if they are to succeed. The workshops in this theme will explore every step of this journey, looking at common reasons for failure and success, as well as the instruments available that can help transform a good idea into a viable product.
Marketing AAL solutions
Creating a solution that can help people retain independence in their old age is a fantastic achievement, but it mean nothing if that solution does not find its way to the people who need it. Turning the results of an AAL project into a successfully business depends on successful marketing. The sessions in this theme will cover all aspects of how to market AAL solutions, covering topics such as best practice, effective communication, success stories, and the best business models for reaching consumers.
Meeting stakeholder needs and expectations
Satisfying the needs of the end user should always be at the heart of the development process in any AAL project. This not only includes the older adults who will be using the solution, but also care associations, medical professionals, and the family and friends of that person. This theme has been designed to specifically explore the best ways of ensuring that solutions are designed to meet the expectations of their user, and will also touch on the ethical considerations that must be evaluated when creating these technologies.
Awareness, education and training in AAL
For AAL products and services to be successful in the real world we need to create real awareness of their potential amongst those making decisions about support and care for older people as well as older people themselves. These sessions will explore how we can create this awareness, provide assistance and educate users, key decision and policy makers, informal carers, technology installers and other key stakeholders about the benefits of AAL solutions. The sessions will also explore how to better engage with younger people to become more involved in AAL activities and how to attract apprentices, students and researchers into the sector.
AAL in the year 2030
As we look towards the future, one thing is certain – our population will continue to get older. AAL can play an even more pivotal role in helping define areas of need as well as developing products and services that help meet those needs and maximise economic opportunities. But we live in a rapidly changing world, where disruptive technologies like the Internet of Things, augmented reality, robotics and smart cities and devices are changing markets and delivering more and more opportunities for all in society. So what are the realities we should be considering now as we develop the products and services for this ageing market in 2030? These sessions will offer a fascinating glimpse into the AAL of the future.
Neighbourhoods of the future
The housing market is having trouble keeping up with demographic change; at present, 75 per cent of European housing stock is not considered to be age friendly. The EC and AAL have invested in numerous research projects to address this challenge. The many innovative solutions emerging are however faced with major barriers when meeting fragmented market forces and the muddled complexities of everyday life. It is therefore time to join forces across Europe to elaborate a demand-led paradigm for digitally enriched built environments that can provide clear return on investment by supporting active and independent living.