AAL Forum 2021 Blog


AAL Smart Ageing Challenge Prize Finalists – Kemuri

AAL Smart Ageing Challenge Prize Finalists – Kemuri

Smart power socket monitors wellbeing in older adults

Kemuri helps older people retain independence with smart socket that monitors user activity and relays data to family and carers

It’s a fact of life that people decline in their old age and that accidents and illness may go undetected for days, or even weeks.  You want to know that your loved ones are safe, healthy and active every day.  Are vulnerable older people keeping warm, eating, drinking and moving around as normal? With families now widely dispersed, it isn’t easy to make daily visits to check on wellbeing and take immediate action in emergencies.

Often older people are in denial about the risks of hypothermia, dehydration, malnutrition, power loss and unattended falls.  Kemuri solves this by installing unobtrusive smart power sockets in kitchens.  Round the clock, via the internet, Kemuri monitors the use of electrical items such as kettles and microwaves, checks that people are moving around normally, and checks room temperature.  Uniquely, Kemuri automatically analyses sensor data to identify and communicate changes in patterns of activity.  The app uses colour-coded notifications that alert loved ones to the risk of harm.  Peace of mind comes with the knowledge that you can quickly take action.  

Now Kemuri has been shortlisted for the first ever Active and Assisted Living (AAL) Challenge Prize; €50,000 for the best product or idea that uses internet connectivity and the Internet of Things (IoT) to empower older adults to achieve the quality of life to which they aspire, socially and independently.

15 entrants from 200 contestants were shortlisted for the prize and these finalists presented their solutions in a special Innovation Academy in Brussels in July, where their ideas were further scrutinised by the judges and they received advice on how their ideas can be commercialised for a massively growing market.  The winner will be announced at the AAL Forum, being held at St Gallen, Switzerland, in September.

Karin Weiss, Deputy Managing Director and Head of Grants at the AGE Foundation and one of the competition judges, said: “We were delighted by the variety of entries we received. We saw many interesting solutions and were particularly impressed by the approach taken to bridging the gap between the older and younger generations, as well as the approach to stabilising the quality of life at home for older people.

“The challenge now is to identify a winner that is exciting, commercially viable and close to the edge of the market,” she adds. “We want to see the prize being used to connect this potential with investors, refining the prototypes and creating impetus to get the solution to market.”

Dr Leonard Anderson, Kemuri’s founder, said, “Hopes are high that our simple, smart solution is worthy of the top prize.  We would use the funds to develop the product and meet the needs of the European market.”

Click here for more information about Kemuri or email hello@kemurisense.com

For more information about the AAL and the AAL Forum, visit: https://www.aalforum.eu/

Dr Leonard Anderson

Kemuri Smart Power Socket (UK Version)

Wellbeing Monitor App.