Deployment of AAL Solutions Seminar
Date: Tuesday September 22, 2015
Time: 10:00 – 17:15
Location: International Convention Center (ICC), Ghent
The Deployment of AAL Solutions Seminar is part of the AAL2Business support action – a three-year initiative that provides digital health companies with the support they need to reach their markets with their AAL solutions. This seminar, which is open to all members of AAL projects that are in their final phase or just have completed, aims to:
- Demonstrate the existing evidence of the impact of AAL solutions on elderly care and support for independent living
- Provide an overview of the potential buyers of AAL solutions (e.g. demographics and psychographics)
- Illustrate the features of the AAL market by clustering national markets according to similarities and reducing them to a limited number of models
- Showcase innovative business models for the deployment of AAL solutions
In addition, this event also provides selected projects with the opportunity to pitch their solutions in front of a panel of experts.
For whom:
- AAL projects funded by the AAL Joint Programme which are currently in their final phase or have just completed.
- Potential deployers of AAL solutions
- Private investors looking for investment opportunities
- The event’s relation to the AAL Programme
Registration for this event is free, but mandatory.
9.30: Coffee and registration
10.00: Introduction to the Deployment of Results in AAL Projects by Marco Carulli – AAL CMU
10.15: The Point-of-View of the Procurers by Claus Duedal Pedersen – Chief Innovation Officer – Centre for Innovative Medical Technology, LEAN & Innovation, Odense University Hospital – Denmark
11.00: Coffee Break
11.30: Parallel sessions
- Evidence Already Available on the Impact of AAL on Elderly Care and Independent Living by Marco d’Angelantonio – HIM SA
- Innovative Business Models for AAL Solutions by Daniela Novelli – HIM SA
- Features of the AAL Market by Carmen Ceinos – HIM SA
13.00: Lunch break
14.30: Reporting on the parallel Sessions – HIM SA
15.00: EC Financing Opportunities in the Field of Active and Assisted Living: Public Procurement for Innovative Solutions & Pre-commercial Procurement by Vasileios Tsanidis – European Commission – DG CNECT Innovation Unit
15.45: License to Pitch – Providing Opportunities for companies under AAL JP to pitch in front of a panel of investors and the whole audience – HIM SA
16.30: Q&A Session – HIM SA
17.00: Wrap-up & Closing by Marco d’Angelantonio – HIM SA