Introducing the WHO Decade of Healthy Ageing and the AAL Forum 2021
While most people are becoming aware of the demographic shift that is taking place and the accelerated ageing within our society, not all are well informed about the inequities related to healthy ageing or the disparities that exist within and between populations. To demonstrate that good health in older age is not evenly distributed it is sufficient to note the staggering 31 years difference in healthy life expectancy at birth between countries To address this challenge the World health Organisation (WHO) recently published its plan for the Decade of Healthy Ageing to improve the lives of older people, their families and their communities worldwide. Focusing on the second half of life, the plan outlines key principles, strategies and actions that...Read More
Trieste, a city where people age well and healthy
TRIESTE, is the capital of Friuli Venezia Giulia, a region in the heart of Europe, easy to reach by any means. With a striking and varied landscape that transforms multiple times within a radius of a hundred kilometers. The city of Trieste stands out over the blue sea and sky on the furthest patch of the Italian Adriatic and appears like a last Mediterranean mirage for those following this northern stretch of the coast; Trieste’s originality and diversity are brought together in street after street, squares and palaces which almost entirely retain their testimony to Roman, Venetian and above all Austro-Hungarian architecture. The crossroads of culture that animate this Julian regional capital are expressed through a rich and extremely varied...Read More