
May 2020

Call for AAL Forum 2021 Workshops is open

  We invite you to submit your workshop proposal to create discussions and promote new ways of approaching either of the four tracks of the upcoming AAL Forum in Trieste. Workshops should be interactive and motivational sessions and follow the below described thematic areas dedicated to the upcoming Decade of Healthy Ageing. The AAL Forum will take inspiration from the Decade of Healthy Ageing launched by the WHO in 2020, in order to discuss and exchange on key active & healthy ageing priorities for a collective and collaborative approach in Europe. The Forum will touch upon some of the main topics put forward by WHO, such as: Driving a platform for innovation and change; Adapting health and care systems to...
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AAL Forum 2021 to be hosted in Trieste, Italy

We are delighted to announce that the next AAL Forum will be held in Trieste, Italy during 10-12 May 2021 in collaboration with its member Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and the Fondazione Internazionale. In the midst of the global outbreak of COVID-19, especially affecting our older populations in Europe, the AAL Programme is proud to announce its annual event to take place in the north of Italy. The AAL Forum is the annual flagship event of the AAL Programme, which presents and shares knowledge in the field of active and healthy ageing and to be a major networking place for researchers, care professionals, companies active in the silver economy and policy experts. The AAL Programme will join forces again with...
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