Interactive workshops at the forum: Theme 1 (PART 2)
The AAL Forum 2019 is just under two months away, and today we will be giving you another taster of some of the interactive workshops that will be taking place over the course of the event. As the format of the AAL Forum has evolved over the last decade, its emphasis on interactivity has increased. The workshops that are held each year represent the pinnacle of this focus on sharing knowledge, best practice and experiences, and this year’s selection of sessions promises to be one of the best we’ve ever put together. Over the coming weeks, we’ll be talking you through the workshops that we have organised for the AAL Forum 2019, which have been grouped together according to theme....Read More
Interactive workshops at the forum: Theme 1 (part 1)
The AAL Forum 2019 is now just two months away, and starting this week we will be giving you a taster of all of the interactive workshops that will be taking place over the course of the event. As the format of the AAL Forum has evolved over the last decade, its emphasis on interactivity has increased. The workshops that are held each year represent the pinnacle of this focus on sharing knowledge, best practice and experiences, and this year’s selection of sessions promises to be one of the best we’ve ever put together. Over the coming weeks, we’ll be talking you through the workshops that we have organised for the AAL Forum 2019, which have been grouped together according...Read More
Have your say about AAL!
Your chance to have your say about the AAL’s impact to date as well as in its future strategy for active and healthy ageing in Europe. The European Commission is currently considering how to meet the challenges of our ageing population as well as make the most of its many opportunities. It is likely that a new partnership programme will emerge from these deliberations that both funds research as well as helps stimulate innovation in digital markets such as those in health and social care, the Internet of Things and home care and assistance – all in the context of ageing well. It is also likely that this new partnership will pool together some of the European initiatives that...Read More
Don’t miss the biggest AAL exhibition
With up to 90 different stands, the exhibition at the AAL Forum 2019 promises to be the biggest yet. It will be the perfect place for AAL delegates to learn about and interact with the latest research and the most promising products in the field of active and healthy ageing. We speak to Kirsten Rud Bentholm, who is in charge of the exhibition at the AAL Forum 2019. What is your role in the AAL Forum exhibition? I am the head of the CareWare exhibition, which will be the Exhibition area on AAL Forum 2019. You are also responsible for DokkX. Can you explain the background to this project? DokkX is an innovative development centre for Welfare Technology and digital...Read More
Meet the speakers: Q&A with Bengt Andersson
This year’s AAL Forum will see Bengt Andersson, senior advisor at the Nordic Welfare Centre, present a methodology and overview of welfare technologies that have been implemented in the Nordic countries. He will also outline the national strategies of the Nordic countries and the tools they use for implementing welfare technology, discussing the many challenges involved and setting the tone for the rest of the forum. We spoke to him recently to get a taste of the message he wants to convey to the AAL community. Could you explain a bit more about the Nordic welfare model? I work for the social and healthcare sector at the Nordic Welfare Centre which is part of the Nordic Council of Ministers. Our...Read More
Landed! Preliminary programme
With the 2019 AAL Forum just a few months away, the preliminary programme has just dropped giving you a flavour of what is in store come September in Aarhus, Denmark. This year, the AAL Forum is offering delegates a packed programme with 32 workshops spread across the 24 and 25 September. After the forum kicks-off on Monday evening (23 September) with two keynote addresses followed by a cocktail get-together, researchers, investors, businesses and end-users have the opportunity to attend workshops, elevator pitch sessions, poster presentations, plenary sessions, the AAL Exhibition area and networking and social events. WORKSHOP OVERVIEW The workshops are divided into six thematic areas which encompass the main topic, Smarter practical implementation of digital technology to enhance active...Read More