
September 3, 2018

AAL FORUM Exhibitor – 2PCS Solutions Gmbh – Exhibitor Nº3

Joining the AAL Forum exhibition once again will be 2PCS Solutions Gmbh, winner of the 2017 AAL Forum Stand Award Prize. This Austrian start-up was founded in 2016 and is dedicated to finding new ways of providing safety and managing alerts through technological design. 2PCS products are designed so they can be used in various different living and care settings, including inpatient as well as ambulatory care. What makes the 2PCS solution distinctive is that it consists of individual pieces that can be unified holistically into one system, which can react in an efficient way to save time, cost and disburden caregivers and relatives.  Some of the products that 2PCS will be exhibiting at this year’s forum include: 2PCS Safety...
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AAL FORUM Exhibitors – Canadian Institute of Health Research & AGE-WELL – Exhibitor Nº5

All the way from Canada, the AAL Forum will be welcoming the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) and Age-Well. The CIHR is Canada’s federal funding agency for health research and together with Age-Well their goal is to create communities and innovations that support healthy ageing through eHealth technologies.   The CIHR eHealth initiative and the CIHR’s eHealth Innovations Partnership Program (eHIPP) intend to stimulate the design, testing, evaluation and spread of evidence-based eHealth solutions that are fully grounded in the needs of patients. Through ‘innovation communities’ eHIPP hopes to bring together a scientific and a clinical lead, a decision-maker to support and up-scale solutions, patient/family representation, end-user engagement and health technology industries. Aging Gracefully across Environments using Technology to...
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