
April 27, 2016

AAL Smart Ageing Challenge Prize – Viviane von Doellen: Judge’s view

AAL Smart Ageing Challenge Prize – Viviane von Doellen: Judge’s view The AAL Challenge Prize is offering €50,000 for the best innovation that uses the Internet of Things to empower older adults to achieve the quality of life they aspire to, socially and independently. One of the judges for the prize is Viviane von Doellen, Cadre supérieur at the Stëftung Hëllef Doheem and responsible for Service Sécher Doheem, the Luxembourg national Telehealth service. As part of a series of Judges Views, Viviane explains what she sees as the challenges older people face in today’s society and how IoT is addressing these challenges What do you consider to be the challenges older people face in today’s world? Viviane von Doellen: Typical challenges...
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