Session A6
Supporting mobility of older adults by ICT
Find the A6 presentations here
“The maintenance of mobility is thought to be fundamental to active ageing, allowing older adults to continue to lead dynamic and independent lives.” (WHO, 2007). Mobility is an important element of integration in society and thus a vital factor for perceived good quality of life in old age. The greater the level of mobility, the greater is the potential for autonomy with respect to independent living, socialising and contributing to the local community. Mobility delays the onset of disabilities, and postpones frailty. Engaging in vigorous or moderate physical activity increases
the likeliness of maintaining the health status. Furthermore, physical activity also is closely related to cognitive benefits. The aim of this session is to present in which way ICT-based solutions can significantly foster and improve indoor and outdoor mobility of older persons, including those psychological aspects associated to its sustainability.
Chair: Axel Sigmund
• Introduction / Axel Sigmund / VDI/VDE-IT / Germany
• ICT as a tool for maintaining older people’s mobility / Fanny Le Morellec / French Environment and Energy Management Agency, Sensorial & Ambient Interfaces Laboratory & Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers / France
• T&T Net – Crowdsource data and intelligent services making real-time elderly to go out / Víctor Sánchez / OISOIN S.L. / Spain
• Alice – Let’s Walk Together / Polona Car / Union of the Blind and Partially Sighted / Solvenia (UBPS)
• WayFis – Finding your way with WayFiS / Inmaculada Luengo / HI-Iberia Ingenieria y Proyectos SL / Spain
• IWALKACTIVE – Getting lost in hospital? / Andreas Rumsch / Hochschule Luzern – Technik & Architektur, iHomeLab / Switzerland
• MobileSage – Adaptive Guidance for the Mobile Elderly / Ivar Solheim / Norwegian Computing Center / Norway